Chittenden Asylum Seekers Assistance Network
Welcoming people — one family at a time
Calling artists and creatives! Be a part of our spring fundraiser Arts for Asylum Seekers
An urgent need in Chittenden County
After fleeing life-threatening situations in their country of origin, asylum seekers face a years-long legal process. While they wait, these new neighbors are not immediately allowed to work, often know no one here, and are not eligible for many benefits.
CASAN has stepped up to fill this gap, providing assistance according to each family or individual’s situation.
What we do
Since 2019, CASAN has assisted numerous families from different countries who are in Chittenden County, Vermont while they are in the legal process of seeking asylum. This assistance includes:
financial support for daily living expenses
help finding housing
rides to doctors appointments and more
friendship and social outings
connection to local resources and services
Who we are
We are a volunteer group of interfaith individuals and people of good will in Chittenden County, Vermont, who have come together to assist people seeking asylum in our community.
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Autumn forest cover photo by TravelScape -